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Brooks bRUNch at AARC
NOTE TO SELF : Reward #runners with some post-run Washtenaw Dairy 🍩 and you'll most likely have a good turnout ❤️ Brooks bRUNch at AARC
AARC Water Bottles
Water is the main component of blood, which supplies cells with oxygen and nutrients. Quality H2O and other liquids to help you stay hydrated can be carried in these #verynice AARC water bottles.
Detroit Turkey Trot
Advanced packet pickup & registration for the 2021 🦃 Strategic Staffing Solutions Detroit Turkey Trot at AARC Traver Village until Saturday 11/20 at 6pm. #detroit #running #thanksgiving
#annarbor Pioneer's Rachel Forsyth continues her epic #crosscountry season with a win at last weekend's NXR MIDWEST REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS against some of the best runners this side of the Mississippi 👏👏👏